Friday, May 28, 2021

My Learning Wk 4 Maori History

This week our class learnt about New Zealand history with Matua Rota.

The part that I enjoyed the most was learning about the Maori Battalions.

I found it hard to understand the long words that were used to explain Maori history.

If I did this again I would try to learn more about the Maori Battalions our history.Histrionics troupe in Nelson to mark 75th anniversary of end of WWII |

Friday, May 21, 2021

My learning wk 3 Leadership camp

 This week our school leadership team went to HawkesBay for the NYLD conference.

The part that I enjoyed the most was going to the conference and flip out.

I found it hard to rock climb.

If I did this again I would want to go back to flip out and try land a forward.

Friday, May 14, 2021

My Learning Wk 2 Maths knowledge

This week I completed a maths knowledge goal which was reading fractions greater than 1.

The part that I enjoyed the most was learning how to do my goal.

I found it hard to prove my goal to my teacher.

If I did this again I would try not to be nervous to prove my goal.

Friday, May 7, 2021

Kotare Block Runs


Create a blog post about something you have done during learning time this week.

This week our class has started to do block runs.

The part that I enjoyed the most was getting better at running.

I found it hard to run continuesly.

If I did this again I would try to not run as fast.