Thursday, September 24, 2020

Zeke's OLOF Space Project

 We were learning about SPACE. We had a question and we researched the answer.

I found it easy to... find the answer.

I found it hard to I really enjoyed... finding out the answer to my question.

To make it better I could... put my answer into my own words.

Milky Way

Thursday, September 10, 2020

My Scratch Game

 What story are you trying to tell with your scratch game? I'm trying to tell people How to take care of your chromebook.

 What are the coding skills you are learning to use at the moment? I'm learning how to use looks, Motion events and control.

 What are your next steps for your game? To teach them what are the appropiate websites to be on.

 What feedback do you want about your story? I want everyones honest opinion.